Guidelines for Stallholders 2025
DATES: 15th February, 17th May, 16th August, 15th November
CONTACT for 2025 for Stall Bookings:
Ted Shoesmith 07 4642 5478
Ashley Newton 0439 547 030
Book online at:
Stallholder fees are specifically used for the building fund and other income from Church stalls supports our community services including our Drop-in Centre and hall facilities. The Church regularly supports local outside charities and services.
Market Day
Operating Times 8.00am – 12.00 noon
Stallholders etc may arrive from 6.00am
Entry to the site is from Highfields Road
Stall Setup and Equipment
Stallholders must set up their stalls/car boot etc. in an area no larger than 4x8metres, unless prior arrangement has been made.
Stallholders are restricted to one vehicle per site. That means one car/van OR one trailer.
Vehicles are not permitted to move within the market area between 8.00am and 12noon
Stallholders must provide their own equipment, which must be in good repair, operate in a safe manner and be in presentable condition.
Electrical appliances not to be sold without safety certification.
Management does not provide or hire out any stall equipment, only the site area.
Fees and Insurance (subject to change)
St Anne’s Anglican Church provides Public Liability Insurance for the market site area and can provide individual Public Risk Cover.
If Stall holders DO NOT HAVE THEIR OWN Public Liability Insurance, site fee is $15 (this covers site fee and Insurance).
If Stall Holders have their OWN Public Liability Insurance, site fee is only $10.
Fees are payable on arrival.
Waste and rubbish removal
Stallholders are required to remove their own rubbish and waste from their immediate site.
Event Cancellations
On rare occasions a Car Boot Sale may be cancelled due to poor weather and/or health and safety concerns. If this is the case, every effort will be made to contact stallholder in advance and they will be given the first option for the following event.
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