Lenten Bible Studies - Online
to 6 Apr

Lenten Bible Studies - Online

Please join us for Lenten Bible Studies, starting early March and continuing for the 6 weeks of Lent.  Our book is Hope25, which includes both daily readings and reflections from Australian Bishops, and a weekly group study based on a Bible reading and testimony.  The cost of the book is $12.  Three groups are available:

  • Sundays 7pm by Zoom, starting 2 March, led by Melissa 

  • Wednesdays around 9.30 am St Anne’s, starting 5 March (after 9 am service), led by Melissa 

  • Wednesdays around 11 am St James’, starting 5 March (after 10 am service), led by Mark 

Or sign up to host your own group or to study privately.  Sign up sheets are available at church or phone the office.

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Lenten Bible Studies at St Anne's
to 9 Apr

Lenten Bible Studies at St Anne's

  • St Anne's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for Lenten Bible Studies, starting early March and continuing for the 6 weeks of Lent.  Our book is Hope25, which includes both daily readings and reflections from Australian Bishops, and a weekly group study based on a Bible reading and testimony.  The cost of the book is $12.  Three groups are available:

  • Sundays 7pm by Zoom, starting 2 March, led by Melissa 

  • Wednesdays around 9.30 am St Anne’s, starting 5 March (after 9 am service), led by Melissa 

  • Wednesdays around 11 am St James’, starting 5 March (after 10 am service), led by Mark 

Or sign up to host your own group or to study privately.  Sign up sheets are available at church or phone the office.

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Good Friday: Passion Reading and Veneration of the Cross
8:30 am08:30

Good Friday: Passion Reading and Veneration of the Cross

On Good Friday, we remember the arrest, trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. This quiet, contemplative service will conclude with an opportunity to personally reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial death as we view the stark imagery of the cross.

This is a solemn prayer service, during which the Passion of Christ according to John’s gospel will be read.  Members of the congregation will be invited to make their own act of veneration as the cross is placed in the centre of the sanctuary.

We begin and end this service in silence.

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Stations of the Cross at Peacehaven Park Highfields
10:00 am10:00

Stations of the Cross at Peacehaven Park Highfields

Join the Communities of St Anne’s Anglican Church and Mary of the Southern Cross Catholic Parish, at Peacehaven Botanic Park, for an outdoor journey of the Stations of the Cross, recounting the arrest, trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. This service will include prayer, reflection and song. “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”

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Bible Book Club: Getting the Most Out of Your Bible
7:00 pm19:00

Bible Book Club: Getting the Most Out of Your Bible

This edition of Bible Book Club, is about getting the most out of your Bible, an introductory webinar.

Topics will include:

  • choosing a Bible translation

  • the structure of the Bible

  • literary genres in the Bible

  • ways of reading the Bible

  • resources that may help

This will be an online session, meeting via Zoom on Sunday 2 February from 7 pm to 9 pm (or earlier).  Email melissa@stjames.org.au for the link code to join.

How Bible Book Club works (although this webinar will be slightly different): 

Each Book Club meeting will focus on a book or set of chapters from the Bible, coinciding with the lectionary cycle.  Participants are encouraged to read the book or chapters before the meeting, but it’s not essential.  The meeting will be live via Zoom and recorded to be accessed later by anyone who can’t attend in person. This recording will be publicly available. 

It is hoped that Bible Book Club will enhance participants’ and viewers’ understanding of the Sunday readings. 

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Christmas Day Service
8:30 am08:30

Christmas Day Service

Join us at St Anne’s in Highfields, at 8.30 am on Christmas Day for a traditional Christmas Service, with lots of carols.

Children and adults are always welcome at St Anne’s. No prior experience is necessary! We understand that small children have needs, so it’s OK to bring snacks.

We humans are story-makers and story-tellers, but for Christians, the Christmas story is the most precious story, the story of when the one great God came to be with us, and to be exactly like one of us, in the form of the baby Jesus. That’s so important because it means that God, in Jesus, knows the joys and sorrows, the exciting times and the pain of being human.

We would love you to join us to celebrate that God is with us at Christmas and always.

This service includes Holy Communion.

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Christmas Eve Family Service
5:30 pm17:30

Christmas Eve Family Service

Join us at St Anne’s in Highfields, at 5.30 on Christmas Eve for a special telling of the Christmas story for families with young children, with lots of carols. Children are invited to come dressed as angels, shepherds, wise persons, royalty or farm animals.

We understand that small children have needs, so it’s OK to bring snacks.

We humans are story-makers and story-tellers, but for Christians, the Christmas story is the most precious story, the story of when the one great God came to be with us, and to be exactly like one of us, in the form of the baby Jesus. That’s so important because it means that God, in Jesus, knows the joys and sorrows, the exciting times and the pain of being human.

We would love you to join us to celebrate that God is with us at Christmas and always.

his service includes Holy Communion.

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Blue Christmas Prayer Service
5:30 pm17:30

Blue Christmas Prayer Service

Why a Blue Christmas?

Cries of “Merry Christmas!” and non-stop carols contrast with the feelings of many people at this time of year. For those suffering from the recent or impending death of loved ones, for the lonely and for those whose families are in crisis, it can be a very isolated and dreary time. Every greeting and every song reminds the grief-stricken of how unhappy life is at this moment.  Many churches have begun to recognize that Festivals of Lessons and Carols, celebrations of Christmas, and children’s pageants do not meet everyone’s needs. To fill this gap we offer a Blue Christmas service, a Service of Solace for those who find this to be a painful time of the year. People who are not having a very merry Christmas and friends who support them are invited to come and sit with one another in a liturgy that speaks of the love of God for the grieving. Our service will include gentle music, Bible readings, prayers, private prayers and anointing. The service also includes ways to physically express our feelings by lighting a candle in prayer, and laying a cloth in the crib as a prayer offering. These prayers will then be gathered up again on Christmas Day.

5.30 pm, Sunday 8 December 2024

St James’, Toowoomba

St Anne’s, Highfields

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Bible Book Club: The Gospel of Luke
3:00 pm15:00

Bible Book Club: The Gospel of Luke

The inaugural Bible Book Club, focussing on the Gospel of Luke, will happen online via Zoom on Sunday 24 November from 3 pm to 5 pm.  Email melissa@stjames.org.au for the link code to join.

How Bible Book Club works: 

Each Book Club meeting will focus on a book or set of chapters from the Bible, coinciding with the lectionary cycle.  Participants are encouraged to read the book or chapters before the meeting, but it’s not essential.  The meeting will be live via Zoom and recorded to be accessed later by anyone who can’t attend in person. This recording will be publicly available. 

Our inaugural meeting will be on the Gospel of Luke, as we prepare to enter year C of the lectionary cycle, which is the year of Luke.  We’ll talk about the origins and structure of the book, key themes and passages, and highlights to look out for during the year. 

It is hoped that Bible Book Club will enhance participants’ and viewers’ understanding of the Sunday readings.  Meetings during 2025 will relate to the books and chapters that occur in a significant series in the lectionary.

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Gossamer Wings: A Service for Bereaved Parents
4:00 pm16:00

Gossamer Wings: A Service for Bereaved Parents

October 15th is International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day, where bereaved parents from Australia and around the world pause to remember their babies who’ve died.

Around this day we offer a special, quiet remembrance service for those who have experienced the loss of a child, no matter how old or how long ago, but with special care for those who have experienced a stillbirth or infant loss in the past year.

Join us at St Anne’s Church, 26 Highfields Road, Highfields 4352 .

This service is sensitive to the needs of people of all faiths and those who have no faith. It will be held outdoors in our peaceful grounds, weather permitting.

More information about October 15 at: Oct 15 | SANDS - MISCARRIAGE STILLBIRTH NEWBORN DEATH SUPPORT

Photo by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

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Blessing of the Animals
8:30 am08:30

Blessing of the Animals

At St Anne’s Highfields, we treasure our pets and welcome yours.

You are invited to join us for the blessing of animals.

Come to our 8.30 am service, or anytime between 10 am and 11 am to receive a blessing for your pet.

A sausage sizzle will be available for the humans.

All pets (and their owners) welcome! If you don’t feel comfortable bringing your pet, then please bring a photograph.

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Spirituality in the Garden: Conversations that Matter
7:00 pm19:00

Spirituality in the Garden: Conversations that Matter

Earth Care. People Care. Fair Share.

Join our panel of garden and earth care gurus for a lively discussion about the spiritual dimension of tending our gardens and the earth.

Refreshments will be served.

RSVP for catering purposes: melissa@stjames.org.au

Meet our panellists:

Debbie Bassingthwaighte: Motivated by vivid childhood memories of tasting food plucked fresh from the garden, Debbie is a teacher, designer and president of Permaculture Toowoomba Inc., who enjoys growing, preserving, and cooking abundant organic produce. Debbie is deeply interested in permaculture-inspired resilience and abundance and feels consciously interconnected with nature and community in her productive edible garden that nourishes family, friends, and wildlife.

Ahri Tallon: Ahri is a youth worker, community organiser and community development worker based in Toowoomba, Queensland. Ahri has always worked in community projects and organisations trying to create a more connected, thriving and sustainable world. He is passionate about working with young people, supporting healthy organisations and preserving our planet for future generations. Ahri joined the Darling Downs Environmental Council after working with youth at risk, setting up and running a charity providing skills development and mentoring. 

Angie Mooney: Angie works remotely for St John’s Anglican Cathedral Brisbane. She lives with her partner and 3 chooks on a bush block near Murphy’s creek. They live off grid in a self-built tiny home. Her academic adventures have included environmental science and theology. Her work life adventures include working in a nursery, land and water conservation officer and youth worker. She has a strong connection to the land and is an ally for First Nations justice.

Our Moderator is Dawn Currey, a science teacher and third order Franciscan.

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Tuesday Drop In Centre - Launch
12:00 pm12:00

Tuesday Drop In Centre - Launch

Starting from Tuesday 6 August, St Anne’s will host a drop in centre in the church hall.


Bring your own lunch, and craft if you wish, and join us for a chat and some games. The cup of tea or coffee is on us.

Our hope is simply to foster stronger social connections in our community.

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Let's Talk About Spirituality and Science
7:00 pm19:00

Let's Talk About Spirituality and Science

Join us for a lively discussion with our panel of three scientists. The discussion will be followed by a light supper.

Our Panellists:

Rev’d Deb Bird, Parish Priest, Maleny and Palmwoods Anglican Parishes

The Rev’d Deb Bird is a mother of daughters, musician, teacher, parish priest and beginner astrophysics student. Her love of the night sky has led her to wonder about how a cosmological perspective informs our theology.

Mr Andrew Murray, MSIWM, MSIT, Principal Scientist, Toowoomba Regional Council

Since graduating with a science degree in 2003, Andrew has been employed as a Microbiologist, Lead Assessor, Accreditation Manager and Principal Scientist, which is his current role at the Toowoomba Regional Council. Andrew has also completed a Masters in IT and another in Integrated Water Management and has been involved in many state wide and Australia wide scientific organisations. He loves to keep up to date in all things science from Microbiology to Quantum Physics. Andrew grew up in the Catholic faith, and questioned religion and faith and how that fit with scientific theories. Andrew joined the St. Anne’s congregation in 2017. Andew looks forward to offering his experience and learnings, as well as leraring from others, at our upcoming event.

Mrs Sharon Ng, B.Sc., Coordinator Laboratory, Reporting and Water Demand, Toowoomba Regional Council

Sharon graduated from university with a Bachelor of Applied Science. After taking time out from her career to raise two children, Sharon secured a position with the Toowoomba Regional Council, working as the wash up person in the lab. Over 25 years Sharon has worked herway up to a management role. Growing up, Sharon attended the Catholic church, and although she moved away from church for some periods, God was still very important in her life. Sharon now attends Belong Church and continues to grow in faith, as part of a life group.

Our moderator for the evening is journalist Henry Wells.

Image by Alex Kondratiev on Unsplash

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Stations of the Cross at Peacehaven Park Highfields
10:00 am10:00

Stations of the Cross at Peacehaven Park Highfields

Join the Communities of St Anne’s Anglican Church and Mary of the Southern Cross Catholic Parish, at Peacehaven Botanic Park, for an outdoor journey of the Stations of the Cross, recounting the arrest, trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. This service will include prayer, reflection and song. “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”

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Good Friday: Passion Reading and Veneration of the Cross
8:30 am08:30

Good Friday: Passion Reading and Veneration of the Cross

On Good Friday, we remember the arrest, trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. This quiet, contemplative service will conclude with an opportunity to personally reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial death as we view the stark imagery of the cross.

This is a solemn prayer service, during which the Passion of Christ according to John’s gospel will be read.  Members of the congregation will be invited to make their own act of veneration as the cross is placed in the centre of the sanctuary.

We begin and end this service in silence.

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The Bread, the Wine and the Cross: Lenten Reflection Afternoon
2:00 pm14:00

The Bread, the Wine and the Cross: Lenten Reflection Afternoon

Please join us for a time of quiet reflection, as we consider the mystical connection between the Last Supper, as Jesus gave himself as bread and wine, and his self-giving act through the cross on Good Friday.

We will begin at 2 pm and there will be a break for a cup of tea or coffee in the middle of the afternoon.

Please bring a hat and something to sit on if you wish to make use of our beautiful grounds as you contemplate the mystery of the eucharist.

Image by James Coleman on Unsplash

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Christmas Day Service
8:30 am08:30

Christmas Day Service

Join us at St Anne’s in Highfields, at 8.30 am on Christmas Day for a traditional Christmas Service, with lots of carols.

Children and adults are always welcome at St Anne’s. No prior experience is necessary! We understand that small children have needs, so it’s OK to bring snacks.

We humans are story-makers and story-tellers, but for Christians, the Christmas story is the most precious story, the story of when the one great God came to be with us, and to be exactly like one of us, in the form of the baby Jesus. That’s so important because it means that God, in Jesus, knows the joys and sorrows, the exciting times and the pain of being human.

We would love you to join us to celebrate that God is with us at Christmas and always.

This service includes Holy Communion.

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Christmas Eve Family Service
5:30 pm17:30

Christmas Eve Family Service

Join us at St Anne’s in Highfields, at 5.30 on Christmas Eve for a special telling of the Christmas story for families with young children, with lots of carols. Children are invited to come dressed as angels, shepherds, wise persons, royalty or farm animals.

We understand that small children have needs, so it’s OK to bring snacks.

We humans are story-makers and story-tellers, but for Christians, the Christmas story is the most precious story, the story of when the one great God came to be with us, and to be exactly like one of us, in the form of the baby Jesus. That’s so important because it means that God, in Jesus, knows the joys and sorrows, the exciting times and the pain of being human.

We would love you to join us to celebrate that God is with us at Christmas and always.

his service includes Holy Communion.

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